Awareness & Safe Space

We want everyone to feel safe and accepted, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, skin color, ethnicity, religion, age, or abilities. Therefore, we do not tolerate any form of discrimination or inappropriate behavior at the Forró De KA Festival and place great importance on respectful and sensitive interactions.

If you or someone else has been harassed or discriminated against, our awareness team is available to assist you at the festival.

We encourage you to communicate your boundaries without hesitation!

Awareness Team

Daniël, Larissa, Tanja

Awareness Team
  • Awareness means being sensitive to the needs and boundaries of others. It promotes respectful behavior and the creation of a safe space where harassment or discrimination is not accepted.

    Boundaries are very individual, and the power to define whether a boundary has been crossed lies solely with the affected person. What might seem trivial to one person can be hurtful to another. For this reason, as the awareness team, we take your perception seriously and focus entirely on your subjective experience during the conversation. Our goal is to create an environment where everyone can feel safe (again) and have fun!

  • If you or someone else is harassed or discriminated against, you can receive support from our awareness team at the following times during the festival:

    16:00 - 00:00
    12:30 - 17:00 and
    19:00 - 00:00
    14:00 - 18:00

    During these times, there will always be at least one awareness team member on site. This means that we are sober and mentally available to listen to and support you.

  • Feel free to approach us directly when you see us:

    we can be recognized by our blue glow bracelets, and there are posters with our photos displayed in Jubez.

    If you can’t find us, contact any of the helpers, especially at the bar or the ticket counter. They are informed about how to direct you to us or can immediately help you out of an uncomfortable situation. You can use the code word "How do I get to Panama?" if you don't want to ask for help directly.

    If we are not on site or you prefer to write to us, you can email us anytime, before or after the festival, at: We will respond as soon as possible.

    Additionally, you can leave an (anonymous) message in the mailbox in the comfort room. If you want us to contact you, please include a phone number or email address. It's also perfectly fine to simply write down your thoughts to get them off your chest.

  • There is a comfort space available in Jubez. This room is clearly marked and is intended for finding peace and withdrawing from uncomfortable situations if needed.

    If you "just" want to take a break from the parties or workshops or have a casual chat with someone, we recommend using the numerous other seating areas near the bar and in the hallways.

  • When a boundary is crossed, the awareness team can be contacted at the affected person's request. We will handle incidents discreetly. Curiosity is natural, but please refrain from asking for details about any incidents you are not involved in.

    If you feel uncomfortable with a situation and want to talk about it with someone, you can approach any member of the awareness team. We treat all information with absolute confidentiality and will never take action without your consent! We will support you in the way that best suits your situation, such as:

    • Offering you a listening ear
    • Mediating between you and another person
    • Finding solutions with you to ensure you continue to feel comfortable and safe at the festival
  • In general, we’d rather you speak to us one time too many than once too few! Anything that (potentially) affects your well-being at the festival can be discussed with us. This could include:

    • A dance that feels too intimate
    • Racist or sexist jokes
    • Special needs, for example, regarding toilets/showers/changing rooms

    We believe that discrimination and harassment also have a structural component. Unfortunately, we all have grown up in discriminatory structures, and no one is never inappropriate: therefore, please also speak to us if you have felt uncomfortable in a situation involving participants (organizers, artists, helpers, etc.) at the Forró De KA Festival!

    • Police Contact (when not related to awareness conflicts)
    • Physical Complaints: paramedics/friends are responsible
    • Childcare
    • Therapeutic Conversations/Activities:
      see help resources for affected and involved individuals
  • Wildwasser Karlsruhe (Landkreis Karlsruhe):
    Counseling center for individuals who have experienced sexual violence

    Allerleirauh (Stadt Karlsruhe):
    Counseling center for individuals (up to 27 years old) who have experienced sexual violence

    N.I.N.A. e. V. Helpline for Sexual Abuse:
    Tel.: 0800 22 55 530

    Helpline for Violence Against Men:
    Tel.: 0800 1239900

    Helpline for Perpetrators:
    Tel.: 0800 70 222 40