
Join our Couchsurfing Group to get hosted by the people from Karlsruhe Forró community. For those who prefer more comfort and privacy, hotels and Airbnbs are available near the festival venue.

To make life easier for you, we have already pre-selected two hotels for your stay in Karlsruhe and arranged special prices with them.

WhatsApp Group
Couchsurfing Forró in Karlsruhe

If you're coming from another city and looking for a place to sleep for the festival, feel free to put your request there. It's always nice to meet new Forró people, have a good time together, maybe built a friendship. Give it a try ;)

Some etiquette rules:

  • Please introduce yourself a little bit and write clearly what you need.
  • You are asking to be a guest in someone's home, which means you will need to adapt to their environment. You should decide soon, whether you'll be ok with the guidelines of your potential host's space.
  • Mark your request with a check , when you've found a place to stay.
  • If a host offers you a couch, and you have made other arrangements, you need to let her know so that she isn't expecting you.
  • Finally, if for any reason you need to cancel or change your travel plans, tell all your hosts right away!

Hotel Reservation

  • Use the code "Forró de Ka Festival" to get a Festival rate (Friday to Sunday) on your reservation (see reservation deadline).
  • The discount is only valid for bookings made by email to the hotel. Reservations made on other platforms (Booking, eDreams, etc) are not eligible for the discount.
  • The discount code is also not valid if given later at the reception during the check-in, it must be specified in the reservation email.
  • Payment is directly at the hotel by the guest.

ACHAT Hotel Karlsruhe City

Mendelssohnpl., 76131 Karlsruhe

Book until May 7th.

Free Cancellation until May 31st.

Pay at Check-in

Room Additional Price per night / room
Single Breakfast included €89.00
Double Breakfast included €109.00

This hotel is centrally located in the city and only 350m from the festival event. Probably the closest lodging you can get.

Nearest transit stop: Rüppurrer Tor

Room Additional Price per night / room
Single without breakfast €73.00
Double without breakfast €73.00

A brand new hotel located near the central station, only four stops with the tramway from the event location.

Nearest transit stop: Poststraße